Monday, 23 February 2009

Light My Fire - Katie MacAlister

Light My Fire by Katie MacAlister
An Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novel


Aisling Grey is juggling being a demon lord, a Guardian, and a wyvern's mate, even though she's keeping her distance from said wyvern, Drake, these days. But her presence is still required at a meeting of the green dragons. Since several attempts have been made on her life, Drake is sure to get protective of her. Which might not be a bad thing when war breaks out and all hell breaks loose-literally.

MY Version:
This book is sizzling~~ Having Drake as a mate sure fires things up. *wink wink*
Aisling Grey has lots of responsibilities thrust upon her, and she's trying to run away from some of them. Leader? Who, me? No way. Run...
She's trying to get proper training to be a Guardian, juggling the dragons' attentions at the same time, AND trying to fend off imps, a result of her pet / familiar / minion Jim accidentally offending the imps BIG TIME. All in all, Grey seems to attract trouble, and trouble has no problem trailing after her everywhere. Chaos all around. And oh, people want her dead, people want to seduce her, people want her to be their leader... She should just makes clones of herself so that there will be enough of her to go around. Lots of things happening in every chapter, with Grey complaining all throughout. Did I mention that she is a Demon Lord as well, and has a minion named Jim who appears in the mortal world as a dog? Overall a satisfying read at 352 pages. Her capers leave you wanting to know what happens next in her overwhelmingly chaotic life.

Professional Review people [SPOILERS]:
MacAlister's third paranormal Aisling Grey novel takes her heroine and her pet demon, Jim (who looks like a Newfoundland dog), to London, where she is apprenticing to Nora to learn the Guardian trade. She is soon on the hot seat when Jim eats the Imp king, but that may be the least of her problems since the Green and Red dragon clans are now at war, and someone wants her dead. The imps do torch Nora's house so Aisling, Nora, and Jim move into the London mansion of Drake Vireo, green-eyed wyvern, and sparks fly. Then, kidnapped while wearing only a towel, Aisling is pitched from the frying pan into the fire when she is then stolen from her kidnappers and required to draw on her dark powers to vanquish a Demon Lord. MacAlister's crazy paranormal high jinks, delightful characters, and simmering romance between Aisling and Drake will appeal to fans of MaryJanice Davidson's Betsy Taylor, Queen of the Vampires, series. Diana Tixier Herald
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